The School of Renovating Presents
The $100k Reno Profit Program
The Ultimate Program to Maximise Reno Profits While Keeping
Risk to a Minimum and Without Picking up a Paintbrush.
The 100k Renovation System
is a complete step-by-step process
anyone can follow to make
$50,000 to $100,000 profit per project.
The 100k Renovation System is based on:
  •  6-12 week learning program
  • Cosmetic-Plus renovation plan
  • 10% Profit margin on the purchase price
  • Professional project tools & guides to use
  • Budgeting & risk management principles 
  • You just LOVE making a home look more beautiful, and renovating would be your dream job
  • You are an industry professional and want to dramatically grow your personal wealth
  • You have done a few renos and have not been happy with the result or want to increase your profit margins
  • You want to start your reno journey with your own home and want to a stress-free process to maximise the property value
  • You have adult children and want to help them generate a deposit for their first property without it coming out of your own pocket
  • You want to turn around poorly performing investment properties
  • You are planning to downsize in the foreseeable future and want to generate cash in the process
  • You are just getting started and want to be confident you can do a reno the right way
 I have increased my confidence a lot as a result of the 100K Renovation Program.
I also love that I now have so many useful resources I can go back to if I need to brush up on any of my knowledge.
I loved getting to know the other renovators and the strong sense of support within The School of Renovating community.

I also feel like the experience has brought my Mum and me a lot closer as a reno team!

~ Jenna Bradwell
"Families that renovate together stay together" 
                                                        Bernadette Janson
"Living The Dream"
We are so grateful to Bernadette and her team and this awesome community of renovators who collaborate and lift each other up so everyone is able to live their dreams!
-Deb & Avi Levy
 Everything You Need To Go From Hobby To Profitable Renovator
System Templates, Checklists & Calculators
  • Strategies covered
  • Buy, Renovate, Sell (Flip)
  • Using renovating to build a high-cashflow, high-equity portfolio
  • An introduction to Airbnb
  • Renovating your family home so you increase equity without overcapitalising
  • Adding a land component to your renovation plans
  • Renovating apartments
  • Premium Training
  •      Complete 8-Module $100K Renovation Training available online 24/7 for you to learn when it works for you
  • Live Interactive Tutorials
  •      8 Zoom tutorials delivered over 8 weeks. (Please note these sessions are via online meeting to facilitate engagement for all)
  • Ready Made Team
  •      Personal briefings from our experts (accountant, architect, finance specialist, buyer's agent)
  • Tools Of The Trade
  • Our epic feasibility calculator
  • $100k system documents including all our templates, checklists & guides
  • Savvy Reno Community
  •      Lifetime Membership to our School Of Renovating Graduate Facebook Group
  • Help Getting Started
  •      Onboarding call to assist you with orientation, lesson planning and goal setting
Modules & Tutorial Topics
Your Personal Strategic Plan
Develop your personal plan and strategy for your first $50k-$100k profit
Legal structures and Tax Minimisation for Micro Development
Brian Goodridge
Certified Practicing Accountant)
Number Crunching
How to complete due diligence in your deal using benchmarks, budgeting and a feasibility process to identify and execute the financial aspects of your projects
What's Happening With Finance
~Tracy Kearey
(Property Finance Specialist)
A step-by-step research system to be able to identify a profitable suburb or area for your renovation business.

Choosing An Area And A Project For The Reno And/Or Buy & Hold Strategy
~ Jo Vadillo
(Property Buyer & Strategist)

Putting Together The Deal
How to complete due diligence in your deal using benchmarks, budgeting and a feasibility process to identify and execute the financial aspects of your projects
 Our Property Due Diligence System
(How to Avoid Expensive Mistakes)
Bernadette Janson
(Founder, Mentor and Serial Renovator) 
Adding Value
Our signature system for adding value to nail the sweet spot: the maximum profit for minimum effort, including a raft of low-cost, high-impact reno hacks.
Fast Floor Plans
David Janson (Registered Architect)
Bring the plans for your project and we will work on them in class
Project Planning 1
How to develop your back-of-the-envelope plan into a well-oiled project plan.
Schedule Your Reno Like A Pro
Stephen Janson
(Construction Project Manager, MBA)
Project Planning 2
How to set your project up powerfully using proven project management techniques to manage trade by trade to completion.
Joint Venture Planning
Bernadette Janson
(Founder, Mentor and Serial Renovator)
Project Positioning To Maximise Results
The ability to identify the best agent in your area, position, style and present your property for maximum return in the optimum timeframe.
Tradie Taming
Michelle Lewis
(Renovation and Mindset Coach)
"I couldn't have done it without Bernadette's amazing training."
Renovating properties has changed my life for the better in so many ways.

I want to keep doing this for as long as I can, I just love it. The only regret I have
is I didn't start sooner.

Anything Bernadette offers with
The School Of Renovating – just do it,
you won't regret it.
- Kim Glenn
Your Teachers
 Renovator & Coach,
Doting Granny
MBA, Construction Project Manager
& Lover Of Red Wine
Registered Architect
Favourite (& only) Son
Chartered Accountant &
Weekend Baker
24/7 Access to 8 Online Modules & Recordings
8 Weekly Live Zoom Tutorials
Our Epic Feasibility Calculator
Life Time Access To  Bootcamp Facebook Page
The Recipe: Suite of System Templates & Checklists
Bonus Training: Bathroom & Kitchen Clinic
Kickstart Kit & Renosave Card
Fast Track Renovation Program
30% Scholarship to our Wonder Women program
Ticket To She Renovates Live Event
BONUS: Pay in full and get a bonus 30minutes strategy call with Bernadette 
This is unlike other online courses in that the group comes together on live Zoom sessions for a focused, engaging tutorial each week.

This enables you to build a relationship with the other students and us, and to ask questions so you can apply the training to your specific circumstances.

The tutorials enable us to reinforce key points and develop an understanding of what you are wanting to achieve. 
Some tutorials are hosted by our experts and you will have an opportunity to book in to talk to the experts privately if you wish to.

Our goal is on completion of the course, you will have your own personal strategic plan, plus the tools and the knowledge to put it into action.

PAYMENT PLAN  4 instalments $999 ( Inc GST)
Why You Should Choose The $100K Renovation System Over Other Programs
You're Not A Number
Everyone comes from a different place.
Different families, locations and jobs
Different time-availability, money and risk appetite.
So the training aims to guide you down the path that best suits you. In order for it to work, we need to know every one of our students personally so we can be in the best place to help them achieve results.
Developed Over 35 Years
The trial and error approach is slow and expensive but it is an effective teacher. It taught us:
> How to ride the highs and lows of the market, (Including the 20% interest rates in the 80's)
> Why DIY hinders rather than helps
> Structural renos are not necessarily the most profitable. (To name one of many)
This program is the result of all those years of learning so you get to skip the school of hard knocks and jump straight to the profit.
Our Class Project
We think it is important your training is based on reality. We always have a live project going so our students can see the system in action. We have now taken it to the next level where students are able to invest in the project.
It is called The Class Project which currently has 14 investors from our community. As a member of the community, you have access to the inner workings of these projects and may also have the opportunity to invest.
We Are Family
Normally this doesn't mean much, but we are family on so many levels.
We have solved many of our family challenges with renovating, from caring for our children to how we will fund our retirement.
This enables us to help not just you but to impact your whole family.
Our family has developed a panel of renovators. Five of our family of six are actively renovating. This serves to further develop our reno intel.
We also have a Senior Construction Project manager and an architect who contribute to your success.
Small & Personal Class Size
This is important for the program to be effective. This is not a course where you are one of hundreds.
It is important to us for you to be able to ask questions (especially in the tutorials) and can get a meaningful answer that relates to you personally.
The tutorial groups become quite close-knit and develop active collaborations and networking between members.


Multipe Strategies
When you are relying on renovating for an income, you need to be able to adapt to any market conditions. That's why we cover multiple strategies, from renovating your own home, investment properties, flips, micro-development, and Airbnb. This way you have the tools to manage, regardless of what life throws at you.
"Bernadette and Stephen are very caring, pragmatic, great at what they do, and financially savvy. This is definitely not the infamous fluffy, feel-good type of seminar. Of course, this kind of program requires on-the-ground learning. Fortunately, having such an experienced and genuinely caring mentor, and a supportive community to learn with provides lots of support and confidence to get projects up and going, and ultimately building wealth."
                                                                                                             Trung Truong

If you go through the entire program, do the work, attend the tutorials and strategy sessions, I guarantee you'll love the clarity and direction it will bring you.

If you don't, I'll refund you every single penny.
I know because I will be teaching you the same system I have taught hundreds of students and I use myself to generate an average of $100k per project – and I know they work! More than a guarantee, it's my personal promise.

Take the full 90 days and work your way through all the elements of the course and apply them. If you don't love the transformation that the Reno Bootcamp gives you. I'll give you a full refund.
All you have to do is email me and attach your completed work.
Great! I want access to this exclusive training so I can start working on replacing my income (yesterday),

Can I do this with my partner?
Can I do this with my partner?
Can I do this with my partner?