If you want a path to create a life of freedom through property, you're in the right place!
I'm Bernadette,
Many Australians, especially women,
don't have enough control over their lives.

Some are stuck in a job they don't love –
their lifestyle depends on the income they earn.

Some have had a setback.
Others slip through the cracks and end up on the pension ( borderline poverty).
With all the confusing information around,
And legislation that pushes us towards advisors who are often more interested in feathering their own nests than yours.
It's no wonder.

At 55, I decided to figure this out myself.
In three projects, I created $1,140,000 in profit and $100,000 in income.
I started with a mortgage, without a portfolio…

Just the equity in my home.
You can do this too.
And you don't have to wait until your 50s or 60s.
You can start right now...

You will have direct access to me every month, where I share my journey and guide you to create and grow your own successful personal Retirement Plan.
Cyber Monday Offer Ends In:
 Welcome to The Renovate Your Retirement Program… 
A community of renovators that are not willing to settle
And training to get crystal clarity about how 
you can eliminate your mortgage and build income with  property.
Even if you think you have left it too late and have never picked up a paint brush in your life
The Renovate Your Retirement Program is a Rich Treasure Trove of Inspiration & Training
  • Performance & Goal Setting
  • Short Term Rental (AirBNB)
  • Accounting Tips
  • Reno Warm Up Ideas
  • Renovating for Retirement
  • Joint Ventures
  • Design
  • Micro- Development
***Coming Soon***
 February 1 2024, the updated modules of our 100k Renovation Program will be loaded into the Renovate Your Retirement Program, one per month. 
( the membership price will go up accordingly)

Our legacy pricing means whatever the offer you join on stays with you for the life of your membership.
In The Renovate Your Retirement Program,
is for you if you are concerned about your financial future and need to figure out if renovating and property is the solution for you
Cancel any time
In the Renovate Your Retirement Program, 
you're not alone
The Renovate Your Retirement Program is for you if:
  • You want freedom from your day job, your mortgage
    or money worries
  • You are inexperienced in property and want a supportive community you can trust
  • You are experienced and you now want a community around you
The Renovate Your Retirement Program Method Includes:
1. Monthly Q & A Coaching Calls
You will have direct access to Bernadette for guidance and answers to your questions.

If you can't attend the calls live, you can submit your question ahead of time.

2. Supportive Community
You will be surrounded by like minded renovators and investors in a closed, private facebook group and occasional live get-togethers, so you can build your personal brains trust and pool of potential joint venture partners.  

3. Annual
The ultimate event for renovators to sharpen your tools, adjust your mindset for success and build your network.
You will be inspired by multiple case studies and keep up to date with trends, strategies and fresh ideas for reno success.

4. Learning & Inspiration
With your private access to the online member portal you will get access to new content every month, including case studies, strategy overviews and practical resources.
Initially you will complete a module on goals and performance. Do this first, set up your intentions  for your Retirement.
5. All In Your Pocket 
(In An App)
The Renovate Your Retirement Program resources, trainings and recordings will also be available for easy access from an App on your smartphone.
This means it's accessible wherever you are. If you have a few minutes spare, you can jump on and spend them doing a quick training that will  move you towards your retirement goal.
6. Members
If at some point in time you need more specific training or personal coaching…

As a Renovate Your Retirement member you will receive a minimum 20% member discount on School Of Renovating courses.
7. Legacy Pricing
Whatever the offer you join on stays with you for the life of your membership. We are currently offering a Founding Membership of $79 per month or $799 per year.
This price will rise, but when new members pay higher monthly membership fees, you will remain on the lowest price for as long as you are a member.
Viv Halliday  In the Daily Mail
Renovating is a powerful tool for getting ahead quickly.
Viv started renovating while her husband was working in the mines FIFO.  Since doing our training she has completed 16 projects and it has dramatically impacted her life..
Carol Parr
"Learning skills with The School of Renovating has been a transformative experience. I was particularly impressed with the insights on finding potential partners. Although I had some reservations initially, the courses are packed with invaluable knowledge. This experience has given me so much more confidence for my future endeavours, including being able to take on renovations with my children."
Gain instant access to all these resources and take the guesswork out of creating your dream life of freedom, inspiration and prosperity.
The Price WILL go up, but for now

Take Advantage Of Our Founding Member Offer
Enjoy this Amazing Value For As Long As You Are A Member

Get Instant access to the content, training, community and private coaching to help you build your financial freedom.
2 Online Tickets To She Renovates Conference (Val $590)
12 Live Q & A Coaching Calls (Monthly)
Private Renovating Community
Membership Discount (20%) on our other courses and programs
Exclusive Renovate Your Retirement Program Online Portal
Including courses, case studies and strategies
Join other like minded members
Ashleigh Lane
"The School of Renovating is a game-changer for me. The courses are full of insights and real-life examples that have transformed my perspective. I'm now more confident about future investment opportunities, and I'm already taking action."
Emma Viljoen
"I have enjoyed understanding the mix of strategies that women employ and have learnt a lot regarding the importance of accountants and legal structures."
Larissa Wong
"The insights I gain from the School of Renovating move me deeply. They showcase the intricacies and potential of different investment strategies, leaving me keen to explore further."
Amali de Vos
"Participating in the Wonder Women Program presented by The School of Renovating has been a profound experience. To say it's indescribable seems like an understatement; it's been challenging, eye-opening, and indeed, life-altering."
Jenna Bradwell
"I have increased my confidence a lot as a result of the program. I also love that I now have resources I can go back to if I need to brush up on any of my knowledge.

I loved getting to know the over renovators and the sense of support and community too. I also feel like the experience has brought my Mum and I a lot closer as a reno team!"

Christina Reed
"The Wonder Women Program has been a transformative journey for me, one filled with enlightening revelations and enriching personal connections. The experience has been eye-opening, serving as a much-needed source of inspiration and practical advice during a challenging personal period in my life."